La immigració en àrees rurals i petites ciutats d’Espanya. Un estat de la qüestió
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Ricard Morén i Alegret
In Spain, immigration studies have been mainly focused on metropolitan areas and big or intermediate cities. During important parts of the XIXth and XXth centuries, most migration flows have had big urban areas as destination, but in the last decades both international and internal migration into rural areas and small towns have become a very significant phenomenon. In this paper, the authors approach the academic literature published since the 1980s on foreign immigration and internal immigration in rural areas and small towns.
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How to Cite
Morén i Alegret, Ricard. “La immigració en àrees rurals i petites ciutats d’Espanya. Un estat de la qüestió”. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, no. 47, pp. 141-55,
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