Corpora of Notarial Texts from Extremadura (Cortenex S. XVII): Editing Historical Linguistic Corpus in the Field of Digital Humanities

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Inmaculada González Sopeña

This article focuses on the methodology followed in the preparation of a corpus of notarial documentation from Extremadura during the seventeenth century (CORTENEX), thanks to the proposals of the TEI consortium regarding the coding and labeling of historical documents. This is based on the use of XML markup language in the transcriptions and in the linguistic processing of the texts in the TEITOK digital platform through four fundamental phases: tokenization, normalization, stemming and morphosyntactic annotation. CORTENEX is a subcorpus of Oralia diacrónica del español (ODE). Currently, CORTENEX already has accessible documentation, and, due to the type of texts that it includes, its fundamental interest lies in analyzing the lexical variation of the Spanish developed in the territory that corresponds to Extremadura. This variety practically lacks diachronic studies that allow analyze the language of that region from a historical perspective.

notarial documentation, corpus linguistics, XML, TEITOK, history of Spanish lexicon

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How to Cite
González Sopeña, Inmaculada. “Corpora of Notarial Texts from Extremadura (Cortenex S. XVII): Editing Historical Linguistic Corpus in the Field of Digital Humanities”. Dialectologia: revista electrònica, no. 31, pp. 105-26,