On the usurers, cuckolds and gluttons in the Catalan lexicon collected by the ALPI

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Joan Fontana i Tous

Among the different designations of human types included in Questionnaire II, centred on lexical information, of the Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica (ALPI), we will focus on the denominations for the usurer (no. 729), the cuckold (no. 731) and the glutton (no. 734) in the Catalan linguistic domain, as well as in the Spanish-speaking area of Valencia; that is, in Catalonia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands, Aragon, Roussillon and Andorra; in total, 111 survey points that we list in the Appendix. There is no doubt that the varied and witty formulations collected for these three human types show the incALCulable historical and lexicographical value of the ALPI.

geolinguistics, Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica (ALPI), Catalan, lexicon, human types

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How to Cite
Fontana i Tous, Joan. “On the usurers, cuckolds and gluttons in the Catalan lexicon collected by the ALPI”. Dialectologia: revista electrònica, pp. 69-95, https://raco.cat/index.php/Dialectologia/article/view/390864.