"Cookbook Method" and koine-formation: a case of the karafuto dialect in sakhalin

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Yoshiyuki Asahi
This paper considers the direction of the linguistic change in a Japanese regional koine with a new method, called ‘cookbook method.’ Accentuation patterns of the two mora nouns have been focused for the analyses. Following the idea of the ‘cookbook method,’ two speakers have been chosen for the analyses in order to elucidate the language change on the real-time framework. Based on the finding of the survey conducted in 1938, a comparison has been made with a data collected in 2008 to examine to what extent the linguistic change in this particular aspect of Karafuto dialect occurred. Result shows that no systematic change occur in the two speakers. The reason why the drastic change did not occur in the particular speakers has been discussed in relation to the sociolinguistic settings in the post-war period.

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How to Cite
Asahi, Yoshiyuki. “‘Cookbook Method’ and koine-formation: a case of the karafuto dialect in sakhalin”. Dialectologia: revista electrònica, no. 2, pp. 1-21, https://raco.cat/index.php/Dialectologia/article/view/198813.