Basque linguistic atlas-ehha: from speech to automatic maps

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Gotzon Aurrekoetxea
The largely desired Basque linguistic atlas-EHHA is to be published nearly. The most important features of this atlas are shown in this paper. The EHHA is a linguistic project of the Academy of the Basque Language-Euskaltzaindia. We present the structure and the most important features of the data base and its different modules (module for the computerisation of data, module of lemmatisation and module of cartography). The module of lemmatisation is the necessary step to link the answers in phonetic characters and the linguistic maps based in orthographic ones. In this module the researcher must group answers, according to etymon, phonetic or morphological features. Furthermore, the maps of EHHA are based on Thiesen polygonation: each point has a polygon, in which the research puts the linguistic features using a colour's palette. As well as being coloured, the largest linguistic areas have also labels to make the interpretation of the map easier.

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How to Cite
Aurrekoetxea, Gotzon. “Basque linguistic atlas-ehha: from speech to automatic maps”. Dialectologia: revista electrònica, no. 1, pp. 107-19,