The dialect option in addressing herders-farmers clashes in Nigeria
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Nigeria has witnessed a lot of conflicts and ethnic tensions. The objective of the study is to ascertain the possibility of using dialect to salvage the despicable situations arising from herders-farmers clashes in Nigeria. The study adopts the image schemas as the theoretical framework. Data are drawn from textbooks, journal articles, and online versions of national dailies. The research discovers that an attack on the goals of herders and farmers, which are to provide food for their cattle and harvesting their yam produce respectively, is the root of the tensions between herders and farmers. The paper also reveals that before dialect will serve as an enablement in addressing the herders-farmers clash, the federal character of Nigeria as enshrined in the constitution must be fully implemented. This paper concludes that dialect can be used in addressing farmers-herders clash in Nigeria as a medium of sensitization and as a means of inclusion.