Passive constructions in Ilami Kurdish. A role and reference grammar account

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Amir Karimipour
Vali Rezai
As far as obfuscation of the truth is taken into account, passivization seems to be one of the most prominent processes by which the agent of an action may become evasive (by being omitted or demoted to non-obligatory prepositional constituent) in certain contexts. Cross- linguistically, these constructions may not necessarily be formed in an identical fashion, as in some languages such items may be constructed syntactically, morphologically and/or lexically. In this paper, through employing Role and Reference Grammar framework, we attempt to represent the nature of passive constructions in Ilami, a southern variety of Kurdish language. In pursuit of this goal, we enjoy Ilami data to represent how passivization could be explained in the RRG [Role and Reference Grammar] framework. Analyzing our Kurdish data, we concluded that Ilami gains advantage of the main types of passivization strategies. The use of strict morphological , periphrastic and impersonal passives was well - attested, and additionally, it can be said that the two stages of passivization suggested in RRG are done in Ilami passives.
Paraules clau
Role and Reference Grammar, Ilami Kurdish, Passive Construction, PSA [Privileged Syntactic Argument]

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Karimipour, Amir; and Rezai, Vali. “Passive constructions in Ilami Kurdish. A role and reference grammar account”. Dialectologia: revista electrònica, no. 19, pp. 109-30,