Els avatars i els artistes del retaule de Sant Pere de Reus: una revisió documental

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Joan Bosch i Ballbona
Joaquim Garriga i Riera
The article belongs to a wider documental and artistic study of the maln altarpiece (1554- 1632) and of its paintings and sculptural remains kept in the Prioi'al de Sant Pere and in the Mueeu Comarcal de, R6us. f he flrst altarpiece by Pere Otris (1554-1557) was rajected in 1576 and replaced by andher more ambitisus one, decigned by Pere Girart undgr the direction of Pietro Pgolo da Montalbergo and Isaac Wermes. The carpentry was done by Pere Giran with the assictance of Pere Barruf$t (1578-1579), and the religious imagery by Gaspar Muguet (1582) and Agustí Pujol I (1587-1589). Its slx boards were painted by lsaac Hermes (1592-1593); at preSent, all these paintings are in the Museum Comarcal. In 1623, before the assignment of the gilding and the poly~hromy to Franeecc Sabater and to Nicasi hsrtoneda, a new body, with a wood carving and Sme sculptures Made by Agusti Pujo1 II, was edded. However, the large sacrarium designed by Pujol in 1625 was made by Rafael Rocafort (1629-1632). We do not know to wh~m Hortoneda assigned the painting of the poards sf that new body, after the deiith of Francesc Rlbalta (1628). At present, the sculpture6 in the Museu Comarcal and in the Prioral de Sant Pere belong to three different groupc of authorship and were made by Agustí Pujol I, II and Rafael Rocafort

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How to Cite
Bosch i Ballbona, Joan; and Garriga i Riera, Joaquim. “Els avatars i els artistes del retaule de Sant Pere de Reus: una revisió documental”. D’art, no. 16, pp. 173-82, https://raco.cat/index.php/Dart/article/view/100315.