Temas y modelos en la obra de Picasso
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Inmaculada Julián
The author considers Picasso's work focusing only on the themes developed by the artist. From this point of view, he relates the representational and narratives themes in an attempt to provide a systematic view of the whole work. At the same time, he defines, in each case, the stormy, relation of Picasso with the History of Art, that is to say the painters and forms he uses just as a departure point to recreate, according to an alwaysnew syntax, what was to him, mainly, a hereditary ensemble of forms. In so doing he manages to define his own life plastically and by extension the very world in which he lived.
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Com citar
Julián, Inmaculada. “Temas y modelos en la obra de Picasso”. D’art, no. 17, pp. 205-23, https://raco.cat/index.php/Dart/article/view/100340.
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