¿Un nuevo inicio en la Librería Mujeres de Madrid?
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Alba V. Lasheras
In relation to what I experience in the Women’s Bookstore, as a younger part of it, I explain that the moments that I feel reveal the truth of what I live in the Bookstore are moments that I only notice when they have already happened, when I notice that I have been very close to myself and near the other women who were closest to me, especially the women that I share my time in the Bookstore with. Those moments are both of gratefully received fidelity and difficulties in following the traditions of the Bookstore, so that I do not feel any obligation. The Bookstore is not an inheritance with conditions, but rather a root, a place of taking root.
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Cómo citar
Lasheras, Alba V. «¿Un nuevo inicio en la Librería Mujeres de Madrid?». DUODA: estudis de la diferència sexual, n.º 32, pp. 77-80, https://raco.cat/index.php/DUODA/article/view/120653.
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