Going Out of Myself to Find the Freedom of Female Greatness. The Pain of Incest

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Patricia Meza Rodríguez

Incest is one of the most exquisitely woven labyrinths of the patriarchy. Its power is rooted in taking from us, as little girls and boys, the most precious bond of trust, the one we have with our mother. What incest does is blame her for not taking care of us or defending us. Thus, we are dispossessed of the bond of trust with she who gave us life, retreating into ourselves full of fear and isolating ourselves in our silence as it is committed. To talk about the pain of incest is to leave oneself; the decision to do so is political, because when the pain stops hurting you are returned to life. It is to go out of myself in order to find myself. The pain of incest is the fear, it is not understanding what was happening to us, feeling threat in place of love. That is why it is necessary to speak from experience, to recover our silenced voice with the truth that is sayable by women. Only by speaking from ourselves can we make women’s politics. Only thus will it be possible to bring about the change of the symbolic order in the matter of incest.

Incest, Male Violence, Feminine Freedom, Incest and Art, Mothers & Daughters

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How to Cite
Meza Rodríguez, Patricia. “Going Out of Myself to Find the Freedom of Female Greatness. The Pain of Incest”. DUODA: estudis de la diferència sexual, no. 57, pp. 106-13, https://raco.cat/index.php/DUODA/article/view/362833.