Supernatural Senses

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Cristina Campo
The text goes into sacred enclosures from the world, holding onto, on the one hand, the five senses, but hoping, on the other, not to take away the carnal from those enclosures. The author considers that intimacy with the divine is the supreme moment of the five senses, because they can act perfectly on behalf of the supernatural life. Thus, she holds that “between nature and the supernatural there would no longer be any need for a solution of continuity: the Incarnation of Christ would have acted to break down distinctions and enclosures and to tear down the veils from the sanctuaries”. For the author the initiates in a spiritual life of the body only survive in the margins or the most inaccessible places, lost and almost forgotten –she recovers and cites some texts from those initiates. Initiates from various periods who like the poets –because they live in dreams and vision- were able to go beyond a world that has confused, separated, opposed and superimposed body and spirit, to recover both of them. The author recovers the silence of the religious world in which symbol and figure can permit the potency of reality to once again “capture its heavens” and the absolute to “transmute its earth”.
Supernatural Senses, Body, Spirit, Creation, Incarnation of Christ, Spiritual Life, God, Ecstasis

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How to Cite
Campo, Cristina. “Supernatural Senses”. DUODA: estudis de la diferència sexual, no. 42, pp. 37-55,