La última opción, la violencia

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Luisa Muraro
The preaching of anti-violence now requires a point of leverage in order to bring to the fore just concerns and reduce the arrogance of the powerful. In certain contexts, in certain conditions, it is opportune not to make use of all the force that one has. It is necessary, however, to have it available, if one does not want others to take it: one does not give up one’s own force without
succumbing to others. Measuring out the usage of the force one has forms part of the strategy of political action, not as any old option but as necessary knowledge. Although force and violence are very different from each other, to separate them by definition achieves nothing except to hide an aspect that cannot be eliminated of human reality.
Paraules clau
Violencia, Violencia justa, Fuerza, Fuerza necesaria, Justedad, Justicia, Violence, Just violence, Force, Necessary force, Justice, Justness

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Com citar
Muraro, Luisa. “La última opción, la violencia”. DUODA: estudis de la diferència sexual, no. 44, pp. 15-20,