Ensenyament: Sóc una mestra, sóc una dona
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Maria Lluïsa Cunillera i Mateos
In the course of following my vocation as a teacher, I have, over time, transformed the relationship that I have with my male and female students. When I began to teach, I found myself feeling empty in class, repeating what had already been said, incapable of putting myself into play from what I am, a woman. With other women I have learned the importance of being in the classroom with my presence, with my body that is sexuate in the feminine, and of also accepting the presence of the other bodies, of girls and boys who want to give meaning to themselves and to find spaces in which to do so. From my introduction on the first day of class, as a teacher and a woman, I am telling them that I am in the classroom, with everything that I am, and I am inviting them to do the same.
To be successful in this I have walked a path of freedom that is based on sincerity when speaking and the reciprocal listening to what I myself and the adolescents bring to the class, creating with them a bond of trust that allows us to put life into the centre of the educational relationship, knowing that we are free to be, and that we are accepted. That path is a continuous weaving and un-weaving, creating and recreating, where each one brings their doubts, their certainties, their fears and their joys, making thought in relationship. It is thus that I have found meaning in my classes and I think that the same is true for my students.
To be successful in this I have walked a path of freedom that is based on sincerity when speaking and the reciprocal listening to what I myself and the adolescents bring to the class, creating with them a bond of trust that allows us to put life into the centre of the educational relationship, knowing that we are free to be, and that we are accepted. That path is a continuous weaving and un-weaving, creating and recreating, where each one brings their doubts, their certainties, their fears and their joys, making thought in relationship. It is thus that I have found meaning in my classes and I think that the same is true for my students.
Paraules clau
Posar-se en joc, vincle de confiança, ser en presència, escolta activa, fer pensament en relació
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Com citar
Cunillera i Mateos, Maria Lluïsa. “Ensenyament: Sóc una mestra, sóc una dona”. DUODA: estudis de la diferència sexual, no. 43, pp. 134-45, https://raco.cat/index.php/DUODA/article/view/262179.