Un intercanvi de dons, un intercanvi de cultura i de civilització
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Remei Arnaus Morral
The text forms part of the context of the process of a piece of research that a group of researchers from the Women’s Research Centre Duoda and the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Barcelona are carrying out. The central part of the research is “Immigrant Women:
Mediators of Relationships in their Process of Personal and Social Implication”. We wanted to enter into relationship and dialogue with real women from different cultures. –who we often make relationships with because we have them at home to help with the cleaning, or we meet them at the school gate, or at adult education classes, etc.-, because we don’t believe the dominant discourses that come out in general in the media or reports “on” immigration, in general and in the abstract without touching and speaking of the concrete experience of immigrant girls and boys, women and men with their singularity, life journey and with their own hope... And the text shows some of the reflections that have come out of my own process of research in relationship with the other researchers.
Mediators of Relationships in their Process of Personal and Social Implication”. We wanted to enter into relationship and dialogue with real women from different cultures. –who we often make relationships with because we have them at home to help with the cleaning, or we meet them at the school gate, or at adult education classes, etc.-, because we don’t believe the dominant discourses that come out in general in the media or reports “on” immigration, in general and in the abstract without touching and speaking of the concrete experience of immigrant girls and boys, women and men with their singularity, life journey and with their own hope... And the text shows some of the reflections that have come out of my own process of research in relationship with the other researchers.
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Com citar
Arnaus Morral, Remei. “Un intercanvi de dons, un intercanvi de cultura i de civilització”. DUODA: estudis de la diferència sexual, no. 37, pp. 227-33, https://raco.cat/index.php/DUODA/article/view/184463.
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