La custodia compartida, ¿fuerza a las madres?

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Núria Beitia Hernández
In recent years women’s desire in relation to maternity shows two tendencies: women who choose to be mothers at the side of a man who takes on paternity in a responsible way and women who wish to be mothers
but not next to a man. Some years ago men were not (or in the main were not) in the relationship of care of their daughters and sons of a young age. Today they are more so. But, how and where are they? What is the place of the father? For babies to be born the relationship between the sexes is necessary and this is an uneven, unbalanced relationship. It is a natural disparity, that is, of something that, by chance or as a gift, is thus and not another way. And it is important not to confuse disparity with inequality, since inequalities have to do with the social and are, therefore, modifiable and remediable. To confuse that disparity with inequality can lead to the
attempt to make it invisible, deny it, usurp it and/or overcome it through the law.

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Com citar
Beitia Hernández, Núria. “La custodia compartida, ¿fuerza a las madres?”. DUODA: estudis de la diferència sexual, no. 37, pp. 133-45,