El pensamiento “de cadena corta”. Búsqueda de medida entre materialidad e inmaterialidad en la vida y en el trabajo

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Cristina Cometti
Lucia Bertell
A dialogue, that has been taking place for a long time, between two friends whose professions are different but, in one way or another, marked by elements of great immateriality: here we condense ten years of constant, vital, shared or solitary, tension of the soul and of thought; and of concrete attempts. Through the years, they have launched questions to one another in the face of the need to decipher the modes of production that take place through the medium of language, appearance, falsehood. Subjective but collective questions. And no definitive answer. The different daily activities, which are asked for sustenance and also freedom, express work pathologies, damage suffered by dematerialised bodies in need of materiality, feed the homesickness for the land. Here it is affirmed that no change is decisive in itself, neither on an individual nor social level, if it keeps the same logia of consumption and production. A thinking is needed that is made essential.

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Com citar
Cometti, Cristina; and Bertell, Lucia. “El pensamiento ‘de cadena corta’. Búsqueda de medida entre materialidad e inmaterialidad en la vida y en el trabajo”. DUODA: estudis de la diferència sexual, no. 36, pp. 89-98, https://raco.cat/index.php/DUODA/article/view/139262.