Creaciones perfectas

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Ana Mañeru Méndez
Women, when we are in the world choosing to be women, don’t suspend the time of life in order to create, neither do we attempt that everything should stop and give itself over to our service, because we know that the true creation is life that gives birth each time and that is to be found within the same flow of what we are being. That is why we do not make creations separate from life, since what separates itself from it turns into destruction and death. The body and the word, especially poetry, are live feminine creations par excellence and they are perfect creations. They are born of and nourished by love; they have a life of their own in relationship and they are a mystery. I have chosen poems by writers that come close to these perfect creations of women, sharing and enjoying thus that which transcends us. My criteria for the choice has been love, for the poets and for their words.

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Com citar
Mañeru Méndez, Ana. “Creaciones perfectas”. DUODA: estudis de la diferència sexual, no. 33, pp. 101-25,