Video games in the classroom of Geography, History and History of the Art: a brief summary of the experiences of its use in the Education

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Antonia Vicente Saorín
Every time the application of video games is more frequent as didactic resource in the Spanish classrooms, since this way it reflects the great quantity of bibliographical production in the matter, nevertheless; even there continue existing teachers who don’t know or don’t approve its use. In this paper a brief theoretical itinerary of studies relating the use of the video games in education is made to know its effectiveness as an educational resource in general, and especially on the subjects of Geography, History and History of the Art; in order to breathe the teachers to exploit its potential fort.
video game, education, educational resource, educational activity

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How to Cite
Vicente Saorín, Antonia. “Video games in the classroom of Geography, History and History of the Art: a brief summary of the experiences of its use in the Education”. DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia, no. 36,