Enseñanza de las TICs en personas con Asperger

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Carmen Angélica Cruz Valdiri
This article aims to demonstrate that the Virtual Learning Objects (VLO) allow teach the information and communications technologies (ICT) in people with Asperger Syndrome (AS). We worked with two students with SA from first semester belonging to the Public Universities of Bogota. The results obtained confirm that the VLO allow the teaching of ICT in people with AS, helping them improve their ability to overcome tasks in technological skills and to strengthen the socialization with classmates and teachers.

Paraules clau:

VLO, ICT, inclusive education, Asperger syndrome, social interaction

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Com citar
Cruz Valdiri, Carmen Angélica. “Enseñanza de las TICs en personas con Asperger”. DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia, no. 36, https://raco.cat/index.php/DIM/article/view/340840.