La cara B de la resolucion de problemas matemáticos se soluciona con el aprendizaje autorregulado

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Oscar Garcia Gaitero
Francisco Javier Naranco
The following work is a reflection on the mathematics teaching experience in the mandatory education stages in Spain and an extensive bibliographical study that attempts to underscore the importance of the actual and effective implementation of self-regulated learning based on Brousseau's didactical situation theories and the daily use of heuristics in mathematical problem solving (Polya, 1945). While it is true that both Polya and Brousseau are well known, self-regulated learning is a new construct where cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, contextual and behavioural variables are considered in order to help develop the full potential of the student in any subject and educational stage (García, 2014). Students who fully understand what they need to do in mathematical problem solving by applying heuristics or participating actively in the teaching-learning process (didactic agreement) with self-regulatory patterns are more active and efficient and possess a greater motivational level than the rest of the students.
Paraules clau
Aprendizaje autorregulado, constructo, heurístico, binomio, retos

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Com citar
Garcia Gaitero, Oscar; and Naranco, Francisco Javier. “La cara B de la resolucion de problemas matemáticos se soluciona con el aprendizaje autorregulado”. DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia, no. 33, pp. 1-9,