Comparativo sobre las diferencias entre aprendizaje a distancia y estilos de aprendizaje
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Gema María del Socorro Gutiérrez Berumen
Alma Diana Gutiérrez González
Ana Luisa Hernández Ángeles
Aurora Guerrero Reséndiz
This article discusses four of the cognitive styles and their relation to distance –virtual- education as an assumption that the student’s individual characteristics can be a determining factor for both the learning and the student’s permanence in this educational modality. A comparison is made between these cognitive styles and distance learning in order to identify areas of opportunity.
Paraules clau
Estilos de aprendizaje, educación a distancia, comparativ, activo, pragmático, teórico, reflexivo
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Com citar
Socorro Gutiérrez Berumen, Gema María del et al. “Comparativo sobre las diferencias entre aprendizaje a distancia y estilos de aprendizaje”. DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia, no. 33, pp. 1-8,