Análisis de los indicadores de calidad en la modalidad e-learning desde la perspectiva pedagógica

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Pablo José Sánchez Morales
Julio Vera Vila
The expansion of the Internet in developed countries has influenced many sectors. Education, and particularly training, has not been left out. E-learning format, or long distance learning, in just a decade has seen remarkable growth. Some organizations have adapted to this mode, and others, have even been created from the appearance of it. This rapid technological growth has not always been accompanied by adequate pedagogical adaptation. The quality of the training, in this mode, sometimes due more to technological innovations rather than teaching, as can be seen in the results of this
research. The implementation of the quality of evaluation of this type not only improves confidence, but can also become a source of information for improving educational processes. We analyze the professional opinion of some quality indicators related to e-learning or long distance learning.

Paraules clau:

e-learning, calidad, formación, TIC, aprendizaje

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Com citar
Sánchez Morales, Pablo José; and Vera Vila, Julio. “Análisis de los indicadores de calidad en la modalidad e-learning desde la perspectiva pedagógica”. DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia, no. 33, pp. 1-15,