Origen i expansió de l'agricultura al sud de França (Provença) i al nord d'Itàlia (Plana del Po, Ligúria)

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Didier Binder

In northern Italy and south-eastern France the Neolithic food production process appears in different forms during the beginning of the Atlantic period. First of all, this paper deals with the question of an early diffusion of cultivated fabacae in an Epipalaeolithic context. Then the author describes three different ways of neolithisation. In the Po basin there is evidence of a slow acculturation of the Castelnovian Mesolithic hunters under the influence of full Neolithic culture (second part of the 5th millenium BC). In south-eastern France we find the fast diffusion of a full Neolithic culture, highly advanced with regard to the stylistic periodisation of south Italian Impressed Ware (first part of the 5th. millenium BC). In Liguria, the Early Neolithic is characterised by different evolutive aspects (from the end of the 6th millenium BC). The earlier neolithic of Pendimoun rock-shelter refers to an Adriatic or Balkanic stylistic context. No Castelnovian—like Mesolithic complex seems to be implicated in the development of the Ligurian Impressed Ware culture.

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Com citar
Binder, Didier. “Origen i expansió de l’agricultura al sud de França (Provença) i al nord d’Itàlia (Plana del Po, Ligúria)”. Cota zero: revista d’arqueologia i ciència, no. 7, pp. 96-102, https://raco.cat/index.php/CotaZero/article/view/432724.