L'altre origen de la modernitat: el llibre de l'escriptura

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Salvio , 1956- Turró
The present paper suggests acoounting for the emergence of Modernity along the guidelines given by the two «Books» of the Medieval Tradition, although the Book of Scriptures will be deemed more relevant than the Book of Nature. The preeminence tus given to the biblical criticism aids to understand the historical process leading to the Enlightenment and to German Idealism. It also elucidates the development of the philosophy of history and its role in the reconstruction of the cosmic features that concur in both the natural and the social worlds.

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How to Cite
Turró, Salvio , 1956-. “L’altre origen de la modernitat: el llibre de l’escriptura”. CONVIVIUM, no. 20, pp. 91-111, https://raco.cat/index.php/Convivium/article/view/73254.