El ser de los accidentes en Aristóteles: pautas de interpretación

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Liliana B. Irizar
Wilmar Javier Medina
This article examines the issue of being in accidents in Aristotle. This is done in the context of the interpretation offered by the Spanish philosopher Fernando Inciarte for whom the appropriate way to address the question is the time perspective. From such perspective which Inciarte attributes to Aristotle’s theory of substance, he thinks that —for the Stagyrite— accidents lack existence and are distinguished only conceptually from substance.The main objective of this paper is to question Inciarte’s interpretation confrontingit with different Aristotelian passages.


substance, accidents, being of accidents, metaphysics, Aristotle, Fernando Inciarte

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How to Cite
Irizar, Liliana B.; and Medina, Wilmar Javier. “El ser de los accidentes en Aristóteles: pautas de interpretación”. CONVIVIUM, no. 27-28, pp. 25-39, https://raco.cat/index.php/Convivium/article/view/328834.