Platón y el conflicto entre la vieja y la nueva poesía

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Javier Aguirre
The charges levelled against poetry by Plato are numerous, appear throughout all his work, concern content and form, and are directed from various ethical, political and metaphysical assumptions. However, such attacks are not launched against poetry as po-etry, but against traditional poetry and its important presence in the Greek education. Faced with the poetic tradition and the various intellectual currents vying for the educa-tional space of his time, Plato develops a new poetry under philosophy that is not only pleasant, but also useful.
Plato, poetry, Homer, poetic inspiration, mimesis

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How to Cite
Aguirre, Javier. “Platón y el conflicto entre la vieja y la nueva poesía”. CONVIVIUM, no. 26, pp. 5-28,