The 2015 Ramon Margalef Prize to Robert E. Ricklefs: a passion for evolutionary ecology

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Joan Lluís Petrus
Two passions were the starting points of Robert Ricklefs career: the reproduction of birds and the biodiversity of the tropics. It is important to underlie his key contribution to the unification of the biological sciences that he achieved to demonstrate by the unifying nature of his work and by suggesting the scale of the scientific background on which it rests. Among his multiple contributions to the science of ecology is the notion of evolutionary trade-off that included functional, metabolic, demographic and population considerations. He has made a crucial contribution to the consolidation of the theory of life histories. We might even say that the impact of his critiques of the theories of biological diversity of communities has a relevant part in the research agenda in the coming years. In contrast to the prevailing dualism to explain biodiversity (niche theory and neutral theory), Professor Ricklefs provides solid empirical data and realistic arguments calling for an urgent update of the current paradigm.

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Lluís Petrus, Joan. “The 2015 Ramon Margalef Prize to Robert E. Ricklefs: a passion for evolutionary ecology”. Contributions to science, vol.VOL 12, no. 1, pp. 23-25,