Fonts i protagonistes de la informació en la televisió de proximitat. El cas del Tele Elx
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Isabel M. González Mesa
José Alberto García Avilés
Following the process of regulation of local digital terrestrial television in Spain, some of
the academic research has focused on the beleaguered sector of the so-called proximity
television. Although some of the studies go back to the eighties, most of the research
deals with historicist or legislative issues, not taking into account other aspects such as
the content and programming of local broadcasters. This paper presents the case of Tele
Elx, a local television channel born in 1987 in Elche, which we regard as a paradigm of the
evolution of proximity television. Our objective is to analyze its news sources and the
main actors in its newscasts. We have carried out a content analysis of several samples
of its prime-time newscast, Tele nit, which has been broadcasted from its launch. The
sample includes 35 newscasts, from 1991 to 2015, which allow us to diachronically carry
out an analysis of the evolution of news in local television in Spain.
the academic research has focused on the beleaguered sector of the so-called proximity
television. Although some of the studies go back to the eighties, most of the research
deals with historicist or legislative issues, not taking into account other aspects such as
the content and programming of local broadcasters. This paper presents the case of Tele
Elx, a local television channel born in 1987 in Elche, which we regard as a paradigm of the
evolution of proximity television. Our objective is to analyze its news sources and the
main actors in its newscasts. We have carried out a content analysis of several samples
of its prime-time newscast, Tele nit, which has been broadcasted from its launch. The
sample includes 35 newscasts, from 1991 to 2015, which allow us to diachronically carry
out an analysis of the evolution of news in local television in Spain.
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How to Cite
González Mesa, Isabel M.; and García Avilés, José Alberto. “Fonts i protagonistes de la informació en la televisió de proximitat. El cas del Tele Elx”. Comunicació: revista de recerca i d’anàlisi, vol.VOL 35, pp. 9-25,