Els Monòlegs de Capri. Amb l'aigua al coll (1990) o la temptativa de portar els monòlegs de Joan Capri a la televisió
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Teresa Serés Seuma
Joaquim Capdevila Capdevila
The purpose of this paper is to study the attempt made to broadcast Joan Capris
monologues on the TV3 television programme Amb laigua al coll (1990), based on
Capris monologues from the 1960s and 70s released on an album. First we analyse the
motivations of the programme and the circumstances of its recording. Secondly, the
satirical traits in his monologues, the nature of this satirical humour and, related to this,
its role of moral censorship and its reasons are considered. Thirdly, we deal with the
typified character − reflecting a psychomoral and customs- and manners-based typicality
− in which the social reality is mainly represented, although in the television monologues
one finds a larger number of references to the social context of the moment and the
personal angle of the monologist is more emphasised. Lastly, we discuss the television
format of the programme, the paralinguistic communication involved and the narrative
configuration of the monologues.
monologues on the TV3 television programme Amb laigua al coll (1990), based on
Capris monologues from the 1960s and 70s released on an album. First we analyse the
motivations of the programme and the circumstances of its recording. Secondly, the
satirical traits in his monologues, the nature of this satirical humour and, related to this,
its role of moral censorship and its reasons are considered. Thirdly, we deal with the
typified character − reflecting a psychomoral and customs- and manners-based typicality
− in which the social reality is mainly represented, although in the television monologues
one finds a larger number of references to the social context of the moment and the
personal angle of the monologist is more emphasised. Lastly, we discuss the television
format of the programme, the paralinguistic communication involved and the narrative
configuration of the monologues.
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How to Cite
Serés Seuma, Teresa; and Capdevila Capdevila, Joaquim. “Els Monòlegs de Capri. <i>Amb l’aigua al coll</i> (1990) o la temptativa de portar els monòlegs de Joan Capri a la televisió”. Comunicació: revista de recerca i d’anàlisi, vol.VOL 33, no. 1, pp. 9-26, https://raco.cat/index.php/Comunicacio/article/view/311395.