Specific Information
1. Articles
The articles section is open to free participation. Articles submitted must be original and unpublished. They can be written in catalan, spanish, english, french, italian o portuguese. Their lenght should not exceed 9000 words. All are subject to peer review. They are published within a maximum period of eighteen months, from the date of acceptance.
2. Critical Notes
Notes will be accepted that raise the status of the issue or discuss a specific issue around a recently published book or a group of works by an author. Its length cannot exceed 6000 words.
Acceptance will follow the same criterions and procedure described for the articles section.
3. Book reviews
Book reviews will not be evaluated. Its length will not exceed 1500-2000 words. The reviewed books must have been published during the two years prior to the date of submission of the review. Only reviews written in Catalan will be accepted.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept the proposal to publish monographic issues coordinated by an editor. The articles and critical notes that form part of them will be subject to the same criteria and procedures described for the corresponding sections. The Director will monitor compliance through the Editorial Secretary.