Guideline for contributors
Comprendre is a scientific review which publishes two issues a year. It is opened to contributions on the classic fields of philosophy: metaphysics, epistemology, logical, ethics, philosophy of science, anthropology, history of philosophy, philosophy of religions, aesthetics, etc. It is addressed to an academic audience interested in the current philosophical and humanistic debates.
- Comprendre accepts three types of contributions: articles, critical notes and short reviews. Only originals manuscripts not published previously and written in Catalan or in the main European languages (English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and Italian) will be considered for publication. Book reviews will be written only in Catalan.
- Contributions will be submitted electronically ( in a Word format file. Articles should not exceed 9000 words (including notes and bibliography). Critical notes will oscillate between 4000 and 6000 words. Short reviews should not exceed 2000 words.
Text of the essay
The manuscript must include in the language of the work and in English the title and a summary (abstract) (120 words maximum), as well as five key words also in both languages.
The pages must be numbered at the bottom of the page, in the center.
* Type of letter:
Source: Times New Roman.
Size 12: for the headings of the sections and the content of the main text.
Size 11: for cited passages that, because they occupy more than four lines, must be presented in a separate paragraph. This size should also be used for the bibliographical references, which must be included in a final Work Citations section, as well as for the abstract and the key words.
Size 10: for notes, which must be included at the bottom of the page.
Bold and Size 14: for the title of the article, which must be centered.Italics: for titles of books and periodicals. Also, when foreign expressions are used or to highlight elements of a quoted expression.
Letter of the sections: sections can be distinguished within the articles, which will have to be numbered correlatively (1.; 1.1; 1.2; 2.; 2.1…). The first section will need to be in bold; the subsection in italics; if there was a third branch, in small capitals.
* Interline:
Main text: 1.5 lines.
Footnotes: simple (1 line).
* Indentation, separations and spaces:
Each page must have a space of 2.5 cm at the top and bottom and 3 cm to right and left.
Without indentation: for the titles of the article and of the different sections and for the first paragraph of each section.
Normal indentation at 1.25 cm: for the first line of each paragraph (except for the first of each section). Also, for the full paragraph of quotes presented separately.
Hanging indentation: for the final Work Citations section.
Separations and spaces: the different paragraphs must not be separated with spaces or with a blank separation. Separate citations must be separated from the main text by a blank space before and after.
* Quotation marks:
Chevron or latin quotation marks (“abcd”) should be used to indicate that the quoted text is a citation.
If the citation includes a quoted expression, it is denoted by double high quotes (“abcd”).
Single high quotes ('abcd') are used to indicate the meaning of an expression (and not for anything else).
System of bibliographic references
The annotations at the foot of the page will be numbered correlatively. They must be used only to introduce the bibliographical references mentioned in the text and/or to make brief clarifications. Digressions are not allowed. The note callout will appear after the punctuation mark. The bibliographical references must also appear in a final Work Citations section, always in alphabetical order of authorship. The next guidelines are mandatory to be followed in all the citations, as well in the final Work Citations section. The author agrees to deliver his manuscript respecting the following criteria when citing:
a) For Books: Full name of the author Surname (in small capitals), Title (in italics). Place of publication: Publisher, year. Example:
Simone Weil, A la espera de Dios. Trad. de A. López. Madrid: Trotta, 1998.
b) For Chapter Books: Full name of the author Surname (in small capitals), «Title of the chapter». In Title (in italics). Place of publication: Publisher, year. Example: Iris Murdoch, «Metaphysics and Ethics». In Existentialists and Mystics: Writings on Philosophy and Literature. New York: Penguin, 1999, pp. 59-75.
c) For Articles in Paperback Review: Full name of the author Surname (in small capitals), «Title of the article». Name of the periodical publication (in italics) [Place of publication], 000 (number), 0000 (year), pp. 0-00. Example:
Carles Llinàs, «Gerhard Krüger: Einsicht und Leidenschaft (Intel·ligència i passió). Una entrada “platònica” en el pensament del segle XX». Comprendre. Revista catalana de filosofia [Barcelona], IX/1- 2, 2007, pp. 159-189.
d) For Articles in e-Reviews: Full name of the author Surname (in small capitals), «Title of the article». Name of the periodical publication (in italics) [Place of publication], 000 (number), 0000 (year), pp. 0-00. Available at: www (url link). DOI (if necessary). [Last query: mm/dd/yy]. Example: Albert Soler, «Raonament inte·lectual i materialitat del text: El cas de l’Ars inventiva veritatis de Ramon Llull». COMPRENDRE: Revista catalana de filosofia, [Barcelona], 21/2, 2019, p. 57-73. Available: [Last consultation: 11/17/2022].
e) For Chapter Books in Works with different authors: Full name of the author Surname (in small capitals), «Title of the chapter». In Initial of the Name, Surname (in small capitals) (ed.), Title (in italics). Place of publication: Publisher, year. Example:
Armando Pego, «Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas in George Steiner: Poetics and Metaphysics». In Ricardo Gil Soeiro (ed.), The Wounds of Possibility. Essays on George Steiner. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishers, 2012, pp. 53-67.
f) For PhD Thesis: Full name of the author Surname (in small capitals), Title (in italics). [PhD Thesis. Name of the University, year]. Link: www. Example: Xavier Garcia-Duran Bayona, Mímesi i reciprocitat. René Girard i la nostàlgia comunitària de transcendència. [PhD Thesis. Universitat Ramon Llull, 2015]. Link:
Repetitions of references and abbreviations
When the referenced source is repeated in the subsequent citation, "Ibid." must be indicated, indicating the pages if they are different. You can also use "Id.", in the event that reference is made to the same work and to the same page of the previous note. If an already referenced work is cited non-consecutively, the abbreviation «op. cit.”, instead of the title (in the case that only one source from the same author is used) and the data of the work. When summarizing, paraphrasing, or commenting on a source without rendering its content verbatim, use "Cfr." (in round font and with a point) before indicating the rest of the data corresponding to the work in question. The same abbreviation should be used if a bibliographic reference of general information or expansion on a topic is made.
Submission of Manuscripts Personal and Academic affiliation of the author must be presented in a separate file. The name and surnames, the Academic Institution to which they belong, a current email address and their ORCID number will be stated. Comprendre follows the Code of Conduct for Publication Ethics in the case of articles and critical notes. Authors are required to attach a contributor’s form with the manuscript. A model is available on the journal’s website (Ethics Code).
Contributions will be submitted anonymously to the report of two external specialists appointed by the Editorial Board, which reserves the right of publication. The author will receive a response in six months. The acceptance or the refusal will be reasoned.
Guidelines for evaluators: the originality, academic rigor and methodology, the bibliography and the style of the article will be evaluated before proceeding to recommend or not the publication of an article or to request that modifications be incorporated.