The place of the platonic Gorgias in the thought of Jan Patočka: phenomenology of the non-philosophical life

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Jordi Casasampera Fernández

The present study highlights one of the aspects that links phenomenology and Platonism in the work of Jan Patočka. That is the dramatic form of the Platonic dialogues, which allows a privileged access to reality and to the need to delve deeper into it philosophically. This idea takes shape in some of Patočka’s lessons at the Charles University in Prague, during the 1947-48 and 1971-72 academic years, published so far only in Czech. Within these courses, we will focus on what Patočka has to say to his students about Plato’s Gorgias as a crucial dialogue both for its connection with phenomenology and for its political relevance. 

Jan Patočka, Plato, Gorgias, dramatic phenomenology

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How to Cite
Casasampera Fernández, Jordi. “The place of the platonic <i>Gorgias</i> in the thought of Jan Patočka: phenomenology of the non-philosophical life”. COMPRENDRE: Revista catalana de filosofia, vol.VOL 25, no. 2, pp. 5-23, doi:10.34810/comprendrev25n2id420650.

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