The Person as the Foundation of the Contemporary Subject in Crisis

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Contemporary man lives a contradictory feeling: on the one hand, he has the sensation of having found a space to experience himself; on the other hand, the experience of the subject is nothing more than a "sensation". Virtual reality and the digital world have forged a happy and alienated subject. The search for the contemporary subject is the last stage of the insufficiency of the modern subject, of a rational and individual ego or of a neuronal identity that has forgotten its last reference: the person as the only constitutive reality of the human being, already pointed out in the Middle Ages by thinkers such as Bonaventure or Duns Scotus


Subject, Person, Metaphysics, Duns Scotus, Bonaventure

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LÁZARO PULIDO, Manuel. “The Person as the Foundation of the Contemporary Subject in Crisis”. COMPRENDRE: Revista catalana de filosofia, vol.VOL 24, no. 1, pp. 119-3, doi:10.34810/comprendrev24n1id398882.


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