Dimension free estimates for the bilinear Riesz transform

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Óscar Blasco
T. Alastair Gillespie
It is shown that for $11$ it is even shown that $\|(\sum_{k=1}^n|R_k(f,g)|^2)^{1/2}\|_{L^{p_3}(\R^n)}\le C_2 \|f\|_{L^{p_1}(\R^n)}\|g\|_{L^{p_2}(\R^n)}$ for some constant $C_2$ independent of the dimension.

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Cómo citar
Blasco, Óscar; y Gillespie, T. Alastair. «Dimension free estimates for the bilinear Riesz transform». Collectanea Mathematica, vol.VOL 60, n.º 3, pp. 249–259, https://raco.cat/index.php/CollectaneaMathematica/article/view/141100.