Estudio intrínseco de piezas navier-hiperelásticas (Elastostática de piezas longitudinales conservativas)
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Emilio Garbayo
Maria Àngels Puigví
This paper analizes the dependence between displacements and adequately defined strains for a class of spatial rods. This dependence is characterized through certain properties of linear differential systems in $L^p$ spaces. General theories of equilibrium of conservative elastic rods can thus be applied, to the special case here considered, but presenting the elastic energy from a frame indifferent viewpoint, both to help clarifying physical meaning and to simplify mathematical development.
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How to Cite
Garbayo, Emilio; and Puigví, Maria Àngels. “Estudio intrínseco de piezas navier-hiperelásticas (Elastostática de piezas longitudinales conservativas)”. Collectanea Mathematica, vol.VOL 36, no. 2, pp. 141-62,
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