Uniformly countably additive families of measures and group invariant measures
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Baltasar , 1925- Rodríguez-Salinas Palero
The extension of finitely additive measures that are invariant under a group permutations or mappings has already been widely studied. We have dealt with this problem in [15] and [16] from the point of view of Hahn-Banach’s theorem and von Neumann’s measurable groups theory. In this paper we construct countably additive measures from a close point of view, different to that of Haar’s Measure Theory.
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Rodríguez-Salinas Palero, Baltasar , 1925-. “Uniformly countably additive families of measures and group invariant measures”. Collectanea Mathematica, vol.VOL 49, no. 1, pp. 97-111, https://raco.cat/index.php/CollectaneaMathematica/article/view/56443.
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