The Product Formula
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G. (Genaro) , 1956- López Acedo
A useful property of the Brouwer degree relates the degree of a composition of maps to the degree of each map. This property, which can be generalized for the Leray Schauder degree and in some cases for the A-proper maps [see 4], is called the Product Formula. \newline In [3] we develop a generalized degree theory for a class of mappings, this class contains the class of A-proper mappings and compact mappings, In this paper we prove a generalization of the Product Formula when one factor is of the Identity+Compact type and the other is an A-compact mapping.
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López Acedo, G. (Genaro) , 1956-. “The Product Formula”. Collectanea Mathematica, vol.VOL 42, no. 2, pp. 157-62,