Acknowledgment of priority: separable quotients of Banach spaces

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Marek Wojtowicz
In the papers [2] and [4] it is proved, among other things, that every infinite dimensional $\sigma$-Dedekind complete Banach lattice has a separable quotient (Corollary 2 and Theorem 2, respectively). It has come to my attention that $\textbf{L}$. Weis proved this result without assuming $\sigma$-Dedekind completeness ([3], p. 436); the proof is based, however, on the deep theorem of J. Hagler and W. B. Johnson [1] concerning the structure of dual balls of Banach spaces and therefore cannot be applied simply to the case of locally convex solid topologically complete Riesz spaces considered in ([2], Theorem 2).\newline
The author wishes to thank Professor Z. Lipecki for the bibliographic information concerning the paper [5] and Proposition 1 therein leading to the above results.

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Wojtowicz, Marek. “Acknowledgment of priority: separable quotients of Banach spaces”. Collectanea Mathematica, vol.VOL 49, no. 1, pp. 133-,