El flageolet de l'«Harmonie Universelle» de Marin Mersenne

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Pierre Jordà-Manaut

Introducing the firsts results of a study based upon the reading and the application of  texts on the flageolet published in 1636 by Marin Mersenne in his treatise Harmonie universelle. This experimentation was led by the comparison to flabiol, which is very similar to the flageolet, but also with other models of historical fipple flutes; workshop’s work helps point out how historical flabiols follow the same proportion rules given by Mersenne for the flageolet.

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How to Cite
Jordà-Manaut, Pierre. “El flageolet de l’«Harmonie Universelle» de Marin Mersenne”. Col·loquis del flabiol, https://raco.cat/index.php/ColFlab/article/view/394641.

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