Una flauta aónikenk de tres forats... consecutius

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Jordi Quintana Albalat

The work gathers the little-known musical practices of aboriginal peoples of the South extreme of America, most of whom are now extinct, particularly of the Aónikenk (southern continental Tehuelches). It originates from the study of the so-called San Gregorio Flute, an Aónikenk piece from 1641-1770. The authors discover serious deficiencies in what had been said so far about it, make several experimental reproductions of the instrument by 3D printing and deny that an individual coupling {flute + drum} could have existed in the culture Aónikenk.

Aónikenk, Patagonia music, flautade San Gregorio, Tehuelches

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How to Cite
Quintana Albalat, Jordi. “Una flauta aónikenk de tres forats. consecutius”. Col·loquis del flabiol, https://raco.cat/index.php/ColFlab/article/view/378315.