Bio-acoustic identification of some species of bats with sonograms, spectrograms and sound spectra according to their echolocation frequency

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Pedro Arcas Riva
José Fenollar Moncho
María Mas Navarro
Carles Flaquer Sánchez
Xavier Jordà Sanuy

This article is part of an end-of-upper-secondary-education research project about bats, focused on detecting and identification of bats through a detector. Later, a comparison is made between sonograms, spectrograms and sound spectra of some species of bats ac-cording to their frequency of echolocation.

bats, ultrasound, detectors, echolocalization, sonogram, spectrogram, sound spectrum,

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How to Cite
Arcas Riva, Pedro et al. “Bio-acoustic identification of some species of bats with sonograms, spectrograms and sound spectra according to their echolocation frequency”. Ciències: revista del professorat de ciències de Primària i Secundària, no. 36, pp. 8-13,