La modernització i les seves incògnites: el malson de les multituds

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Giovanni C. , 1972- Cattini
The last nineteenth century was, in many senses, a modernization period characterized by the irruption of the crowd in the life of European societies. A large number of books, articles and novels appeared at this time just to explain this new fact. Damiano Palano’s book, (Il potere della moltitudine. L’invenzione dell’inconscio collettivo nella teoria politica e nelle scienze sociali tra Otto e Novecento) is a deep and extensive study of this intellectual production motivated by the impact of multitude in European consciousness.

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Cómo citar
Cattini, Giovanni C. , 1972-. «La modernització i les seves incògnites: el malson de les multituds». Cercles: revista d’història cultural, n.º 6, pp. 260-3,

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