La historia cultural en España: tendencias y contextos de la última década

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Elena Hernández Sandoica
In a very documented essay, the historian Elena Hernández Sandoica shows a complete approach to the cultural history in Spain in the last fifteen years. According to H.S., there has been a real boom of this historiographic speciality, both from a quantitative point of view as in new research fields. The author emphasizes the intellectual’s study of history, specially Vicente Cacho's contribution and Jordi Casassas in Catalonia. The essay contains a hundred footnotes, which collect the most remarkable historiographic production published in Spain in the last years.

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Cómo citar
Hernández Sandoica, Elena. «La historia cultural en España: tendencias y contextos de la última década». Cercles: revista d’història cultural, n.º 4, pp. 57-91,