Una "nazione mancata": la questione linguistica occitana nella seconda metà del XIX secolo

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Francesca Zantedeschi
Throughout the XXth century, during the period of the romantic recovery of occitan medieval times and in harmony with the movements of national awakening that operated all over Europe, a lively movement of linguistic and literary renaissance is spreading throughout the occitane areas of France. In spite of this, the lack of consensus among its followers, especially around the use of the language, will come to have deep repercussions in the destiny of the oc language, as well as in all of the occitan renaissance movement.

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How to Cite
Zantedeschi, Francesca. “Una ‘nazione mancata’: la questione linguistica occitana nella seconda metà del XIX secolo”. Cercles: revista d’història cultural, no. 12, pp. 141-58, https://raco.cat/index.php/Cercles/article/view/196517.