Joan Mañé: la nació i l'Estat des de la premsa

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Jordi Bou Ros
The biography becomes an indispensable element in order to understand a time, a society and a way of being. That of Joan Mañé i Flaquer helps us to find these elements in the relationship and the position taken by Catalonia in liberal Spain. But it is also a new reading of the media as an element of ideological diffusion of the first order and how it came to transform itself into a capitalist style business, at a time when political debate was starting to spread from the previously limited circles of a small minority.

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How to Cite
Bou Ros, Jordi. “Joan Mañé: la nació i l’Estat des de la premsa”. Cercles: revista d’història cultural, no. 12, pp. 129-40,