La reflexió historiogràfica dels anys noranta

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Enric Pujol
Enric Pujol, well-known because of his work on Ferran Soldevila, avaluates optimistically the catalan historiography in the last years. Pujol exposes that there was a deep sensation of "historiographic crisis" in the early nineteen nineties, which was partly due to the fall of the Soviet Union, where as there was a clear recuperation in the second part of the decade. This recuperation took place thanks to new publishing projects as well as a growing interest for new study fields. This was mainly caused by new historians who often develop their reseach beyond the university.

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Com citar
Pujol, Enric. “La reflexió historiogràfica dels anys noranta”. Cercles: revista d’història cultural, no. 4, pp. 47-56,