El marc cultural de referència: el Principat i Mallorca. Segles XIX i XX

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Sebastià Serra i Busquets
Pere Fullana Puigserver
Antoni , 1965- Marimon Riutort
Arnau Com
The authors of this article revise the relations between Majorca and Catalonia. They consider the presence of Catalan writers and intellectuals in Majorca as well as the connections of Majorcan writers, poets and journalists in the development of Catalan culture during the last two centuries. They underline the link between both poles of Catalan culture.

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Com citar
Serra i Busquets, Sebastià et al. “El marc cultural de referència: el Principat i Mallorca. Segles XIX i XX”. Cercles: revista d’història cultural, no. 1, pp. 31-45, https://raco.cat/index.php/Cercles/article/view/191072.