Antiliberal political traditionalism: The Catalan Carlists
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Lluís Ferran Toledano González
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Catalan Carlism was one of the most prominent versions of European anti-liberalism and counter-revolution. This article delves into a debate on the traditional and/or modern nature of the social movements; the relationship between religion, politics and identity; the impact of the civil wars on the construction of nation-states; and the exercise of power and violence. In a context of factories and workers, Carlism built the longest insurrectional guerrilla culture in all of Europe and became the theatre of operations of the “international white”.
Keywords: Carlism, counter-revolution, guerrilla, civil war, Catalanism, international white
Keywords: Carlism, counter-revolution, guerrilla, civil war, Catalanism, international white
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Com citar
Toledano González, Lluís Ferran. “Antiliberal political traditionalism: The Catalan Carlists”. Catalan Historical Review, no. 14, pp. 69-88,
Biografia de l'autor/a
Lluís Ferran Toledano González, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Lluís Ferran Toledano Gonzàlez has been an associate professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona since 2004 and has taught seminars at a dozen Spanish and European universities. He is the author of scholarly works on the history of Carlism and political Catholicism, the construction of national memories, parliamentary history and the discourses of corruption. He has participated in a dozen competitive projects and is currently directing the SGR PICEC research group (Política, Institucions i Corrupció a l’Època Contemporània).Articles més llegits del mateix autor/a
- Lluís Ferran Toledano González, El tradicionalisme polític antiliberal: els carlins catalans , Catalan Historical Review: 14 : 2021