Catalunya carolíngia and the public nature of the great domain according to legal documents from the 9th and 10th centuries
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Josep Maria Salrach
Institut d'Estudis Catalans
With the publication of all Catalan documents prior to the year 1000 in Catalunya carolíngia, the research into this period is now set to move forward on many fronts. This article shows this via a study of legal documents which shed light on social groups and their conflicts and reveal how the rulers used the villas and control over the public properties and rights in them to organise the government, capture the surplus and create the great domain that was the forerunner to the seigneuries.
Keywords: villa, public properties and rights, servitium, fiscum, allodium, domain, aprisio
Keywords: villa, public properties and rights, servitium, fiscum, allodium, domain, aprisio
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Com citar
Salrach, Josep Maria. “<i>Catalunya carolíngia</i> and the public nature of the great domain according to legal documents from the 9th and 10th centuries”. Catalan Historical Review, no. 14, pp. 21-34,
Biografia de l'autor/a
Josep Maria Salrach, Institut d'Estudis Catalans
Josep Maria Salrach (Llinars del Vallès, 1945) holds a Bachelor’s and PhD from the Universitat de Barcelona. He has taught at the Universitat de Barcelona and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He specialises in history from the High Middle Ages and is the author of numerous books, including El procés de feudalització, segles III-XII (1987), Catalunya a la fi del primer mil·lenni (2004) and Justícia i poder a Catalunya abans de l’any mil (2013).Articles més llegits del mateix autor/a
- Josep Maria Salrach, La Catalunya carolíngia i la natura pública del gran domini segons els documents judicials dels segles ix i x , Catalan Historical Review: 14 : 2021